
Martes,3 de marzo de 2015


9:30-10:00                 Inauguración: Autoridades académicas


10:00-11:30              Conferencia: “Cambiosen las concepciones jurídicas”.

D. Raúl Canosa Usera, Catedrático de Derecho Constitucional y Decano de la Facultadde Derecho de la UCM.

Presentación a cargo de D. Rafael Orden Jiménez, Decano de la Facultad de Filosofía de la UCM.

11:30-12:00               Descanso


Mesa redonda: Historia: “Testigos del cambio”

D. José María FaraldoJarillo, Profesor de Historia Contemporánea en la UCM, experto en la Historiapolítica de la Europa del Este.

D. Alonso Álvarez de Toledo y Merry del Val, último Embajador de España en la RepúblicaDemocrática Alemana.

D. Antonio Ortiz García, Embajadorde España y diplomático, con destinos en Bucarest, Berlín,Viena y Budapest.

Moderadora: Dña.Pilar Laguna Sánchez, Decana de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales (Univ. Rey Juan Carlos).

Tarde 1630_18:30

Mesaredonda: Filosofía: “Antropología y política”

D. Luis Alegre Zahonero, Profesorde Filosofía UCM  y dirigente de “Podemos”.

D. Jose Luis Villacañas Berlanga,Catedrático de FilosofíaUCM.

D. Juan AntonioValor Yébenes, Profesor de Filosofía UCM.

D. Luis Romera Oñate, Rectorde la Università Della Santa Croce de Roma y Presidente del Consejo de Rectores de las Universidades Pontificias de Roma.

Moderador: D. Ricardo Parellada Redondo, Vicedecano de la

Facultad de Filosofía de la UCM.


Programa Completo de las Jornadas
2015 Programa 25 años después Guerra F
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Una velada de recuerdos dedicada a Jan Karski

Con motivo del año Jan Karski y con la participación de Doña Kaya Mirecka-Ploss, su amiga de muchos años, como invitada de honor 

Don José María Faraldo, profesor de historia 

en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 

como moderador. 



28 de abril de 2014, a las 20.00 horas 



Embajada de la República de Polonia 

Avda. Miraflores, 50 



History of Communism: New Trends

Workshop at the XII Conference of the Spanish Association of Contemporary History, September 17-19, 2014, Madrid

Chair: José María Faraldo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and Thomas Lindenberger (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung. Potsdam. Germany)


In recent years the study of the various aspects of the history of communism has increased tremendously. Today communism is analyzed both as a political and social movement, ideology and power as well as intellectual history of different State formations (the USSR and the Eastern Bloc, but the African and Asiatic communist countries also) that played an important role throughout the twentieth century. The current historiographical analysis focuses the phenomenon from a variety of perspectives ranging from cultural to economic, social and political history or transnational approaches. In this workshop we are looking for proposals on topics such as (but not only): the availability of new archives, the communist movement from the point of view of historical anthropology and cultural history, the October Revolution and its transnational implications , daily life under communism, nationalism and communism, dissent and resistance in the people's democracies and the USSR, violence and terror in the history of communism , anti-communism , communism in Latin America, Africa and Asia ... These themes are only suggestions, but the workshop is open to any contribution on new approaches and new sources.


The deadline for submission of proposals is open until March 1st, 2014. The proposals, consisting of a title and an abstract of no more than 100 words, should be addressed to the persons in charge of every workshop via their e-mail addresses attached.


Once established the papers titles and the names of the participants in the workshops, the Organizing Committee will announce the final programme of the XII Conference. The Organizing Committee wishes to communicate to the potential participants that the texts accepted must not in any case exceed 8.000 words. The texts should be sent before June 1st, 2014, to be available on the website of the Association of Contemporary History in time for the celebration of the XII Conference.



Contact: José María Faraldo:



Call for Papers: Entangled Transitions: Between Eastern and Southern Europe 1960s-2014

 In under two decades, authoritarian political systems collapsed across Europe – in the south of the continent in the 1970s, and then in the east between 1989 and 1991. Although much work has been done on these processes in each region, and comparative work carried out on post-authoritarian transitions and memories, there has yet to be any sustained scholarship that examines the ‘entangledness’ of these processes in the context of broader European and global processes of the late Cold War and its aftermath. Taking a longue durée approach, this conference will explore these inter-relationships between the 1960s and the present day. 2014 marks the 25th anniversary of the fall of state socialism and the 40th anniversary of the beginning of the transition from dictatorship on the Iberian Peninsula and in Greece: an ideal time to consider the relationship between these processes that have been central to modern European history.

Transnational histories of post-war Europe have hitherto been focused on connections between western and eastern Europe, or western and southern Europe, but have paid little attention to east-south exchanges. This event will address the networks through which these linkages emerged (governments, international organisations, expert groups such as economists, exiles, diplomats, cultural groups, dissidents, churches, NGOs and so on), and explore those ideas (e.g. modernisation on the periphery, development, authoritarianism, dissidence, human rights, subnational nationalisms, and the relationship to Europe) which gave meaning to those linkages, whether in imagined or real terms.

By analysing these connections, this conference aims to develop new perspectives on broader developments in international history, such as détente, the end of the Cold War, processes of globalisation, regional integration, and democratisation. As this conference wants to stimulate a multi-level analysis, proposals may adopt a local, national, transnational or international focus to consider these trans-regional connections. Submissions are encouraged not only from those who work on these regions, but also from scholars of e.g. globalisation, democratisation, regionalism and dissidence whose work touches on these themes. It is hoped that this conference will lead to the creation of a longer-term network. We seek contributions around the following themes:




Although state socialist eastern Europe and the right-wing authoritarian regimes of southern Europe are often separated out in academic work and popular memory, these regions were also marked by important points of convergence. In addition to longstanding structural similarities, for instance in terms of economic development, Catholic culture, and their location at the periphery of (western) Europe, both regions faced similar issues and challenges that emerged from the 1960s onwards, captured in terms such as dissidence and democratisation, and in debates about their relationship with a unifying Europe and a globalizing world.



The complex combination of divergences and similarities raises many questions about the relationship between these regions, and about the material and ideological connections through which this relationship developed at the transnational, national and local level. How did political, economic or cultural actors perceive the relationship between these regions during the Cold War? How did each region ‘imagine the other’? How did state socialist understandings of southern European authoritarianism, or southern European understandings of eastern European state socialism, shape perceptions and interactions? To what extent was a sense of mutual recognition or distance shaped by imagined connections, such as a common European identity, common struggles or a shared Catholic culture, for instance? To what extent were physical linkages and networks important, through e.g. bilateral relations between countries, or inter- and transnational networks established by churches, cultural groups, economists and other experts, communist and dissident movements, human rights/ peace NGOs, students or exiles? Did western Europe, or international organisations, play a mediating role in this relationship?




Although the eastern and southern European transitions were dubbed part of a “third democratisation wave” (Huntington), we know very little about trans-regional entanglements and mutual impacts in transition. In what ways, and to what extent, was the socialist East implicated in changes in southern Europe? What was the relationship between the bloc and resistance to southern European authoritarianism? What was the role of the Spanish, Portuguese or Greek exile in eastern Europe?



What effects did the southern European transitions of the 1970s have on political, economic or cultural debates – and specifically the question of the future of state socialism - in the socialist East? What impact did the actions of southern European Communist parties in transition have in the East?



What was the relationship of southern Europeans to the changes in the East in the 1980s? What connections existed between southern Europeans and eastern European dissent? Were Cold War divides increasingly being transcended by e.g. human rights organisations, or was the Iron Curtain still a fundamental barrier?



How was the collapse in the socialist East interpreted in southern Europe, and welded to domestic political, economic and cultural debates about the past, present and future? How, for example, did the breakup of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia affect the political strategies and discourse of Catalan or Basque independence movements?


How did the mode of transition in the South affect debates over transitions and their aftermath in post-socialist eastern Europe? How, for example, did the quick entry of southern European states into the EC in the 1980s resonate in debates over Europe and integration of the East?



How have these transitions been connected in academic discourses, e.g. transitology; in national memory cultures in these regions; or in ‘European memory’? How have the supposed inadequacies of southern or eastern European transitions been connected in contemporary debates?


The organisers encourage potential participants to suggest other themes that allow us to explore these entangled trans-regional histories. This conference is organised by the Leverhulme Trust-funded ‘1989 after 1989’ project at the University of Exeter and the research unit MoSa (Modernity & Society 1800-2000) at KU Leuven, in co-operation with Complutense University of Madrid. It is scheduled for December 8 -10 2014, at KU Leuven.Some funding will be available for travel and accommodation, although the precise amount is not yet known. Participants will be asked to enquire about funds from their home institutions.


Please send a proposal of around 250-300 words, and a short academic CV, to Natalie Taylor at the University of Exeter: The deadline for submission is April 7, 2014. Participants will be notified by early May 2014.

Seminario: La Otra Alemania: España y la RDA

Sala de Juntas de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

C/ Profesor Aranguren s/n - 28040 Madrid

Coordinación: José Mª Faraldo y Carlos Sanz

En 2013 se cumple el 40º aniversario del establecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas entre la España de Franco y la RDA. Con este motivo organizamos en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid una jornada académica. Se trata de celebrar un encuentro de día y medio que aborde las relaciones diplomáticas, políticas y culturales entre España y la RDA y que ofrezca de este modo a universitarios españoles, pero también a un público más amplio, perspectivas sobre la historia de la dictadura del Partido Socialista Unificado en Alemania Oriental.


Bekanntlich jährt sich 2013 zum 40. Mal die Etablierung diplomatischer Beziehungen zwischen Francos Spanien und der DDR. Aus diesem Anlass organisieren wir an der Universidad Complutense de Madrid eine Tagung. Es ist eine zweitägige Veranstaltung, die die Beziehungen Spanien-DDR – in diplomatischer, politischer und kultureller Hinsicht - thematisiert und auf diese Weise spanischen Wissenschaftlern, aber auch dem allgemeinen Publikum, Einblicke in die Geschichte der SED-Diktatur ermöglicht.




14 de noviembre


10:00 h. Inauguración de las jornadas:


Decanato de la Facultad


10:10 h. Carlos Sanz (UCM) España y la RDA: relaciones hasta 1973


10:30 h. José M. Faraldo (UCM) La Stasi y España


11:40 h. Pausa


12:00 h. Birgit Aschmann (Humboldt Universität, Berlin) “Spaniens Himmel”. Las canciones de los brigadistas alemanes en la guerra civil española


12:20 h. Aurelie Dennoyer (Marc Bloch Institut, Berlin) El exilio español en la RDA


14:00 h. Pausa


16:00 h. Andreas Baumer (Rostock Universität) ¿Camaradas? Las relaciones entre el Partido Comunista de España y el SED en el contexto del debate sobre el Eurocomunismo


16:20 h. Sebastian Seng (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) ¿Estado y/o Partido? Las repercusiones de las relaciones oficiales RDA-España en las relaciones entre el SED y el PCE en los años 70


17:40 h. Pausa


18:00 h. Marta Fernández Bueno (UCM) España en la Literatura de la RDA


18:20 h Alberto Carrillo Linares (Universidad de Sevilla) Acordes solidarios. Música de compromiso en la RDA: de las Brigadas Internacionales a los cantautores


15 de noviembre


Taller: investigación histórica sobre Alemania en España




Marició Janué (Universitat Pompeu i Fabra, Barcelona)


10:00 h. José M. Martí Font (IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra) El último intento de restauración de Prusia por la RDA


10 : 2 0 h . Ca r o l i n a L a b a r t a (investigadora independiente) Fuentes y archivos para la investigación histórica sobre la RDA


10:40 h. Johannes Fischbach Sabel (Universitat Pompeu i Fabra) Relaciones en el bloque comunista: la RDA y la República Popular China


11:40 h. Pausa


12:00 h. “Así viví la caída del muro de Berlín”. Testimonio del último embajador de España en a RDA


D. Alonso Álvarez de Toledo y Merry del Val, Embajador de España


Tríptico: La Otra Alemania: España y la RDA
Triptico La otra Alemania_Endfassung.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 1.3 MB

Seminario: La Universidad Central durante la Segunda República (1931-39)

22 y 23 de noviembre de 2012, Universidad Carlos III, Campus de Getafe (Aulas 11.0.17 y 9.2.12)

Jueves 22 Noviembre:


Aula 11.0.17  

9,30h Presentación institucional


10h Ángel Bahamonde Magro (Universidad

Carlos III de Madrid): La presencia de la Universidad

Central en la España de la Segunda República

10,45h José María Puyol (Universidad

Complutense de Madrid): La Facultad de Derecho de

la Universidad Central en sus actas


11,30h Descanso

12h Eduardo González Calleja (Universidad

Carlos III de Madrid): La politización de la vida

universitaria madrileña durante los años treinta

12,45h Carolina Rodríguez López (Universidad

Complutense de Madrid): La Universidad de Madrid

durante la guerra civil y al comienzo del franquismo



Simposio “Europa del Este durante el comunismo: aportaciones desde la historiografía española”

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Sala de Reuniones (25/10) y Salón de Grados (26/10)


Simposio: “Europa del Este durante el comunismo: aportaciones desde la historiografía española”


Jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012




Apertura del Simposio: prof. José M. Faraldo


Charla inaugural a cargo del prof. Ángel Luis Encinas (UCM): El renacimiento de la vida judía en Polonia




Carlos González Villa (UCM): Ayuda envenenada: las implicaciones del apoyo de Estados Unidos a la unidad e independencia de Yugoslavia


Cristina Álvarez González (UCM): Pasado y presente de Polonia vistos desde la oposición al régimen comunista (1976-1989)


12:00 > Pausa




Enrique Uceda (Universidad de Alicante):Los nacionalismos encubiertos en la República Socialista Federativa de Yugoslavia


Alfredo Sasso (Institut Català de la Pau, UAB): El fracaso de la opción no-nacionalista en Bosnia-Herzegovina (1990-1992)


Magdalena Garrido (Universidad de Murcia): Relaciones Este-Oeste durante el comunismo: La imagen de la Unión Soviética en España


14:30 -16:00 > Pausa (almuerzo)








Carlos Domper Lasús (UZ): Urnas sin democracia. Los casos español y húngaro desde una perspectiva transnacional


Francisco José Rodrigo Luelmo (UCM): La disidencia en el Este y el Acta Final de Helsinki: ¿transferencias, redes y conexiones?


19:00 > Reunión del “Club de Polonia”, Instituto Polaco de Cultura, C/ Felipe IV 12, Bajo A (todos los ponentes están invitados)



Viernes 26 de octubre de 2012




Amelia Serraller Calvo (UCM): La jungla polaca: viaje a la Polonia comunista de la mano de Ryszard Kapuściński


Verónica Gama (UCM): Museos del recuerdo: la articulación de una memoria pública en la Europa post-comunista


Carolina Rodríguez (UCM): Nacionalismo y reconstrucción en dictaduras: la España franquista y la Polonia socialista en comparación (1939/1945-1956) (con visionado de No-Dos y PKF)


12:00 > Pausa




Revisión del documental “Cold Waves”, acerca de la acción de Radio Free Europe en Rumanía


14:00 > Clausura

Descargar Programa (PDF)
Programa Simposio Europa del este y comu
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Staatssicherheit Komparativ: Spanien im Visier von Stasi, Securitate und Służba Bezpieczeństwa

14.05.2012, Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Friedrichstraße 191-193, Raum 5008, 18:00

European Remigrations in the Twentieth Century, London, 8-10 March 2012

European Remigrations in the Twentieth Century 8-10 March 2012

International Conference at the German Historical Institute London

Conveners: Professor Marita Krauss, University of Augsburg and Professor Andreas Gestrich, German Historical Institute London


Panel 4 – European Remigrations after 1975 and 1989
14:30 – 17:00

Carolina Rodríguez-López (Madrid)
Why to Come Back? Spanish Professors in American Universities and Their Paths

in Exile

Señoritas en Berlín / Fräulein in Madrid (1918-1939) El papel de la mujer en los intercambios culturales hispanoalemanes de entreguerras Die Rolle der Frau im deutsch-spanischen Kulturaustausch

Viernes, 25 de noviembre 2011

 - 12’00-12’30 horas



       Falange, mujeres y Alemania


Para el programa completo:

Senoritas en Berlin
Documento Adobe Acrobat 493.9 KB

Seminario de Estudios Internacionales

Jueves 17 de  noviembre a las 12h en la sala Sánchez Albornoz del Instituto de Historia del CSIC. El debate, presentado por Óscar Martín García (IH-CSIC), girará en torno
al libro "La Europa clandestina", de José María Faraldo (UCM).